There is a new Docker version released in march see Docker: New Docker release. There are some important changes, but the cool ones are in the experimental mode:
– you no longer need docker-machine for lots of stuff
– a new way to create Docker swarms
– a new docker-compose, version 3 that supports automatic creation and deployment of containers on Docker swarms (how cool is that 🙂 )
– Docker cloud free account to which you can link your own docker swarms.
– free public/private repository on docker cloud
Do the following to update to the new Docker CE experimental on fedora Linux
STEP 1: Uninstall the old docker
# dnf remove docker \ docker-common \ container-selinux \ docker-selinux \ docker-engine
Note: The contents of /var/lib/docker/, including images, containers, volumes, and networks, are preserved and saved under /var/lib/docker_old
STEP 2: Add the Docker CE repo to Fedora
dnf config-manager \ --add-repo \
STEP 3: Install Docker CE
dnf install docker-ce
Important: If you want to recover all your images and containers just copy back the content of /var/lib/docker_old to the new /var/lib/docker directory.
STEP 4: Enable experimental mode
Create if not exist the configuration file /etc/docker/daemon.json with the following content:
{ "experimental": true }
STEP 5: Start Docker daemon
systemctl start docker
STEP 6: Test if experimental mode is enabled
# docker version -f '{{.Server.Experimental}}'
If the result is true than we have a docker engine running with experimental mode on.
See the next post where I create a Docker Swarm using experimental mode Create and manage a Docker Swarm with Docker CE and register it to Docker Cloud