The best golang library for generating pdfs. It has so many features and you can control so well the layout of the pdf that I can compare it to LateX level.

Package gofpdf implements a PDF document generator with high level support for text, drawing and images.
You can find the library at
And the extensive godoc at
It is extremely easy to use:
// initiate pdf
pdf := gofpdf.New("P", "pt", "A5", "")
// add the proper ISO-8859-16 Romanian font
pdf.AddFont("romanianCustom", "", "romanianCustom.json")
// pdf.AddFont("romanianCustomBold", "", "romanianCustomBold.json")
// Make the appropriate code page translator
tr := pdf.UnicodeTranslatorFromDescriptor("iso-8859-16")
// Populate pdf
// define pdf header with an image
pdf.SetHeaderFunc(func() {
pdf.Image("logo.png", 25, 20, 70, 0, false, "", 0, "")
pdf.SetFont("Arial", "B", 18)
pdf.CellFormat(0, 18, label, "", 0, "R", false, 0, "")
pdf.SetFont("romanianCustom", "", 14)
pdf.CellFormat(0, 14, "Header Text", "", 0, "R", false, 0, "")
// define pdf footer
pdf.SetFooterFunc(func() {
pdf.SetFont("romanianCustom", "", 12)
pdf.CellFormat(0, 12, "Footer 1", "", 1, "L", false, 0, "")
pdf.CellFormat(0, 12, "Footer 2", "", 1, "L", false, 0, "")
// define pdf Body
pdf.SetFont("romanianCustom", "", 12)
pdf.CellFormat(0, 12, "This is a left body text", "", 0, "L", false, 0, "")
pdf.CellFormat(0, 12, "This is a right body text", "", 1, "R", false, 0, "")
// embed an image in pdf Body
pdf.Image("embeded_logo.png", 30, 380, 50, 0, false, "", 0, "")
fileName := "pdf/test.pdf"
// save pdf to disk
err := pdf.OutputFileAndClose(fileName)
What I like about golang is the fact that one can find lots of golang free libraries on github .
This is a series of small blog posts where I share my discoveries.