#Bash one liner: Remove all occurrences of a tag block from an XSD or XML file using #sed #xmlstarlet

By | April 1, 2022

Sometimes you get some XLS schemas that are full of additional annotations and comments you want strip. Annotations and comments are nice but annoying when trying to compare two incremental versions of some schema and try to pin point just the differences. Bellow there is a script used to remove all comments and the <xs:annotation>… Read More »

#Optimize #Jboss EAP 7.x embedded #Artemis messaging server for high volumes

By | February 23, 2022

There are several configurations that will prepare the embedded Jboss EAP 7.x Artemis messaging server for a production environment with high volumes. The following is a non exhaustive list of optimizations I discovered during several performance tests. Most of the settings is assumed that are done from jboss-cli. Disable client pre-fetch of messages: This will… Read More »

How to fix a failing disk in #Linux using #smartctl and #hdparm

By | February 14, 2022

We all hate that time when we start to have a disk failure. In one of my RAID10 one disk was at some point in the failed status. That should be an immediate concern for you. A 4 disks RAID10 setup can deal with 1 disk failure and even with 2 disk failures if they… Read More »

Learn #banking, #fintech and #payments jargon: Type of money

By | February 15, 2022

“Claim-based” => Money is moved by transferring a claim on value recorded somewhere (ledger) “Object-based” => Transaction is settled immediately if the parties deem the object to be valid. No exchange of information is necessary

How to make #JBoss 7.4+ a cluster ready service using #bash scripts and #API calls

By | May 23, 2022

JBoss applications server is a very nice and powerful Java application server from RedHat. To make it really useful in a modern architecture of a complex software product we must prepare JBoss to be very easily deployed in a cluster environment. The simplest way to do it is to write some basic Bash scripts that… Read More »

How to make #ActiveMq a cluster ready service using #bash scripts and #API calls

By | May 23, 2022

ActiveMQ is a very nice and powerful open source, multi-protocol, Java-based message broker. It is a very popular software used to bridge between loose components of an environment that consists of several services. To make it really useful in a modern architecture of a complex software product we must prepare ActiveMQ to be very easily… Read More »

Simple #backup using #cron #tar and #LTFS on a #LTO tape drive

By | February 21, 2022

We all know back-up is important and a must have in case of critical systems. Making a backup on tape is one of the best industry standards that is still unmatched. In the following I am presenting a simple way to make tape back-ups using tar and LTFS on LTO5 and up tapes. Why LTFS… Read More »